Declaration of Independence:

Tell, Love, Live.

TLVIV's Declaration of Independence is about three core values manifested in the Israeli declaration of independence: 

Freedom, Justice, and Peace.

The three perfectly round circles symbolize these values.

TLVIV Declaration of Independence is an ongoing project calling for protecting the endangered values of the Israeli Declaration of Independence – Freedom, Justice,  and Peace - specified by Hertzel in Altneuland (Tel-Aviv) and declared in the city of Tel-Aviv, by David Ben-Gurion. 

Telling about Freedom – Haggadah  (הגדה) – is one of the most ancient Hebrew traditions. The Love for Justice is the driven power of the prophets credited in the Israeli Declaration of Independence. Live and let live is the best motto for any pragmatic Peace seeker. The sound of words - Tell, Love, Live – pronounced together reminds the name Tel-Aviv. TLVIV's symbol is a stretched palm offering a Thumb up for the Pinkie finger of peace. 

TLVIV's Declaration of Independence does not endorse any political party and promotes the pragmatic implementation of the values envisaged by the Israeli Deceleration of Independence. TLVIV's Declaration of Independence is a call for all pragmatists regardless of party affiliation.
Tell, Love, Live - TLVIV's declaration of independence is a wake-up call for all moderate liberals. 
TLVIV's symbol is not a fashion statement. Rather it is a Manifest that deeply defines anyone who wears it as a moderate liberal, who is against hate, bigotry, or lack of equality before the law, and who is committed to tell these values, to love them, and to live by them.

Tell, Love, Live.
The Declaration of Independence 
Tel-Aviv, July First 2019.
Last Update: June 19, 2022 (Proofing).