TLVIV New Dogma

The Tel Aviv New Dogma  

The Tel Aviv New Dogma  


The Tel Aviv New Dogma (The TLVIV New Dogma) asserts that Art is the Process of Interpretation that happens in the Interpreter’s mind. Hence the Viewer is the Artist. The purpose of Art is to develop the public language that enables both Art, and science, to define new territories of the contemporary undefined or not well enough defined.



In a nutshell, the TLVIV New Dogma defines Art as the Process of Interpretation. Since Art happens in the Interpreter’s mind - the Viewer is the Artist. Anyone who takes part in creating a work of art is a Creator. An Artifact is anything designed to affect human sensation.

The purpose of Art is to develop the public language that enables both art, and science, to define new territories of the contemporary undefined that stretches beyond the limitations of current human perception or understanding. 

Previous art theories have been patched time and time again. Eventually, New technologies such as 3D printing, Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and above all, Artificial Intelligence (AI), have torn that fabric beyond repair. 

Under the previous paradigms, the place for new Art is limited, at best, to a tiny niche of contemporary cover versions. Since anything worth trying has already been tried - no space for originality is left, which leads to the gloomy conclusion that there is no place for significant new Art.

The TLVIV New Dogma offers practical answers to philosophical questions. Some are as old as Art itself (what is Art?), and others are as new as the challenges that high tech brings - artificial intelligence-made art.

In the foreseeable future, machines will not only exceed human manufacturing capabilities but, more importantly, will be able to learn, predict, plan, and produce works of art to achieve desired artistic experience on a microtargeted audience. The question then is, where are the frontiers, or domains, for human innovation in art?





The Tel Aviv New Dogma

(The TLVIV New Dogma)


  1. Art Is the Process of Interpretation.

  2. Art happens in the Interpreter’s mind, heart, or body - hence the Viewer is the Artist.

  3. Anyone who takes part in the process of creating an artifact is a Creator.

  4. An Artifact is anything designed to affect human sensation, tangible, like a sculpture, or intangible, like music.

  5. The Artifact definition under the TLVIV New Dogma is expansive. It hosts under the same roof the silliest joke with humanity’s most outstanding artistic achievements. Hence the real question is: what constitutes good Art? Good Art - The qualitative contribution to the public language is the factor that differentiates good Art from not. Art cannot be measured by intensity – for example, almost any horror movie is more intense than Picasso’s Guernica.

  6. Truth in Art  The TLVIV New Dogma defines Truth in Art as the correct interpretation of a given artifact. Truth is decided not by the creator, nor by the viewer, rather by the public language, in the same way that the right meaning of a word is recorded by dictionaries. The truth may change with time and the evolution of language (visual or otherwise). A True Interpretation is not always possible, for example, when it requires yet unavailable definitions. Often the truth is too complex, leading some to embrace interpretations of multiple truths (relativism).

  7. Art Cannot Say Nothing, Art is never empty of possible interpretations – even entirely random splashes of paint, uniquely new in shape or color, have at least one meaning – running the process of interpretation on a database empty of comparable images.

  8. Classification of Art into categories - Modern / Abstract / Realism / Surrealism / Figurative/ Ethnic/ Ancient/ or other - often helps in the process of interpretation, but viewers’ caution is advised, as Metis might be missed. In many masterpieces, the viewers see only what they expect to find by the definition of the artifact or by the classification of the creator.

  9. Modern Art (mainly Abstract Art Vs. Realism) – Realism offers more context; a tree is a tree, a girl with a white head scarf is indeed that, and arguing otherwise diverts the discussion to the field of phenomenology. Abstract Art offers fewer anchoring points, reducing certainty. It tends to produce binary reactions of like or dislike depending on the given composition and the viewer’s approach to uncertainty.

  10. Commercial Art Vs. Non-Commercial Art: If a transaction - such as buying museum tickets – is involved in the process of creation or interpretation - then it is Commercial Art. Allegedly money should not determine the quality of Art. However, exaggerated price tags sometimes secure an entrance to public awareness and, from there, to the public language. In many other instances, money eventually failed to acquire a persisting effect on the public language, leading to the deflation of commercial value. Persisting High Commercial value for insignificant to the public language artifacts – this is an economic phenomenon that is not unique to Art – it can also be viewed in the stock market when multipliers detach from stock prices.

  11. The roles of art critics, curators, collectors, galleries, and museums are explained in the operative section of the Tel Aviv New Dogma. For further information, please contact.

  12. Characteristics of the TLVIV New Dogma: The TLVIV New Dogma aims to enrich the public language, especially by defining further parts of the undefined domain.

  13. Current Stylistic Characteristics of the TLVIV New Dogma: Due to the overload of visual images, the TLVIV New Dogma attempts to use fewer images, striving to encapsulate multiple images into one or few, preferably by deleting partitions between classifications such as realism and surrealism, abstract and figurative. Creators who wish to learn more about the Tel Aviv New Dogma, please contact.

  14. The Frontiers of groundbreaking Art: The Tel Aviv New Dogma circles the domain of the yet undefined by the public language and the domain of the already defined but needs reviewing - as the target for groundbreaking Art. 



01. 01. 2021


Version 1 (01. 01. 2021)

Version 2 (31.01.2022 a paragraph about the purpose of Art was added)

Version 3 (02.02.2022 Abstract was added)

Version 4 (19.06.2022 Proofing)



Relevant Links: 

Nov. 14, 2019.

Sep. 22, 2019.


הדוגמה החדשה תל אביב

Dec. 28, 2020